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Season 12 Cheerleading Registration

I will be accepting my place on
Diddy Danger/Nightshade ONLY- I would like to also attend 1 tumble session per week (Wednesday 5-6pm)
If you are new to cheerleading or are changing teams you will need a new competition bow. Will you need a new bow?
If so, please select which bow you will need
I have read through the information pack and understand that I am committing to a full season on a team at Flyers
I understand
I understand the attendance and behaviour policies and failure to meet these will result in non-refundable removal from the team
I understand
I understand that if I decide to leave a team mid season, fees such as competition and training will be non-refundable.
I understand
Do you consent to being added to our team WhatsApp groups where all information throughout the season will be shared
In the case that competition spectator tickets are limited, are you happy for the club to secure 1 ticket per athlete per competition before adding additional tickets if space permits.
Finalise your registration with the membership fee
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