Term Dates and Annual Schedule
Below are our term dates for the 2024/25 Autumn & Spring Term. In the event that we have to make any changes, we will update this page.
Please note that training fees for classes are averaged over 11 months of the year meaning that fees are the same each month regardless of the number of sessions falling within the month.
In the event of an unplanned closure (eg. snow day/unforseen facility closures) we will add a class to the end of the annual schedule.
Autumn Half Term 1
Friday 6th September - Saturday 26th October​
(West Hatch Session closures: Wed 25th, Friday 27th, Saturday 28th)
Half Term Camp
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November
(West Hatch Planned Closures: Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th November)
Autumn Half Term 2
Wednesday 6th November - Saturday 21st December​​​
Spring Half Term 1
Monday 6th January - Saturday 15th February
(West Hatch Planned Closures: Mon 6th Jan)
Feb Half Term Camp
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February
Spring Half Term 2
Monday 24th February - Saturday 5th April​​​
Term Dates will be updated on a termly basis.​​